Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I need advice on my work!!!

These are close ups of the painting l donated to birthright. l would appreciate any advice!

Here is a couple of my pages for my book... or at least it is in the works. l would appreciate insight.


  1. I love the texture and the richness of the paint- the colors are working really well together... is this oil?

    Question: what is the concept behind the collage under the woman?

    Little nit-picky things- I think her wonderfully cute baby bump would stand out more if the curve of the angels dress didnt mimick it so much. does that make sense? the angel doesnt look pregnant, but it might help the other figure stand out more.

    I am not sure if the colors in the real thing look more like the first photo or the details.. but I do love the warmness of the detail pictures tones...

    and on the second wolf piece for the book, I might darken up the left side - darken the trees and contrast around the wolf, he isnt standing out enough.

  2. In my opinion, and I'm not a professional, just a hobby painter/crafter, I think you are doing WONDERFULLY! You're work is beautiful, dramatic, bold, and breath taking. I say, keep doing what you're doing! If it's not broke, don't try to fix it! ;)
    Hugs, Ashlyn
